Specialist Chief Medical Officer

Chief Medical Officer (CMO) services have been in higher demand by companies across Australasia, particularly through COVID issues management. Boards and Senior Leadership have the health of their workers on the highest agenda, often under the company’s ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) agenda.   

We value an ESG agenda 

A medical lens review of a companies working conditions, the workplace policies and health management protocols meets a governance agenda. Beyond the objectives of any business, the OccuMED team also appreciate the importance to our client partners, of our business commitment to our own ESG program, which is why we have established relationships with research and not for profits, and operating systems that support minimising our impact on the environment.  

Our CMO services 

At OccuMED, our Chief Medical Officer services provide a broad range of support: 

  • Risk consulting and management
  • Supervision and reviewing of medical services company wide
  • Medical resource for policies, plans and decision making
  • Providing expert opinion relating to specific medical scenarios
  • Liaising with external medical providers

As companies are called to consider a range of challenges and requirements, the OccuMED team are qualified and experienced professionals with deep industry experience that means we are a capable team to work alongside Boards, CEO’s and C-Suite Executives to address strategic management decision making and planning for work environment health issues. 

The current issues our team are working alongside corporates to address include:  

  • Managing COVID for the medium and long term 
  • ESG policies (Environment, Social and Governance) and what this means for workplaces and staff health management



OccuMED provides risk assessment, management and communication recommendations to key decision makers at client organisations, as they grapple with COVID impacts on their workforce, operations and strategy.

What is evident in this process is the impacts of the pandemic and it’s long term implications on health considerations. As much as business is dealing with the immediate issues including vaccinations, testing, space management and cleaning protocols, there are mid and long term strategies that corporates are focused on.

Outside of COVID related factors, OccuMED supports organisations looking to manage their risk profiles around:

  • Illness and injury resulting from aggravation of pre-existing conditions
  • Non-work-related conditions adversely affecting work safety and productivity
  • Illness and injury at work

Our leading team of Specialists work alongside corporates to assist in their risk assessment, formulating policies, procedures and implementing tailored programs to prevent injuries.


OccuMED’s Specialist Occupational Physicians assist in managing major health incidents at the workplace such as exposure to dangerous substances, poisons and hazardous materials.

Specialist medical advice and direction minimises risk and meets required directive and legislation. The OccuMED approach following potential hazardous exposure affecting a group of employees (for example, following potential asbestos exposure), aligns to industry requirements and includes:

  •  Risk assessment
  •  Risk management/control
  •  Risk communication

OccuMED’s medical Specialists also assist with formulating policies, procedures and implementing preventative programs to manage safety, health and wellness in the workplace. As workforces and industry groups grow their expectations around an employers obligations, we expect there to be a growing demand for highly tailored advisory. Our OccuMED team are primed to provide this support whilst ensuring the balance of company objectives and long term considerations of staff health.
The skills and experience of our occupational physicians, the familiarity with the practical nuances of the employer; such as risk appetite,  objective, practical and consistent recommendations for fitness for work can be achieved. 


Corporate governance calls for companies to develop appropriate policies to support the health of all their workers. The development of policies that meet current expectations are often templated and not contextual to a business. That’s where the OccuMED expertise delivers a difference. Because of our decades of experience, our applied insights across a range of sectors and the expertise of the team, OccuMED’s specialists are able to provide guidance on the development of appropriate, ASX standard policy outlines. 

Robust and relevant policies are good for management, workers, shareholders and stakeholders. 


Corporates call on a range of medical providers to address the full breadth of required support. On occasion, a second opinion or review is required to assist an organisation in making the best decision for the worker and the company. The OccuMED experience and expertise provides a balanced perspective to ensure a company can make the best decisions. The scope of our services means OccuMED can present supporting reviews and assessments in most circumstances.