Fitness For Work
Fitness for work (duty) assessments provide employers with independent medical opinion regarding an employee’s capacity to work safely and effectively following a health concern or adverse event such as:
- Poor attendance record, prolonged and recurrent absenteeism
- Return to work after serious health issues including illness and injury
- Abnormal behaviour and conduct in the workplace
- Adverse event at work attributed to health or psychiatric issues
- Deterioration of job performance and effectiveness
- Recurrent incidences at work leading to safety concerns
Occupational medicine is the only medical specialty trained to apply the interaction between health and the workplace to determine fitness for work.
The skills and experience of our occupational physicians, the familiarity with the practical nuances of the employer; such as industry, work and environmental hazards, location/remoteness of the work operation, and risk appetite, result in robust fitness for work recommendations.
Medical opinions/recommendations made by occupational physicians are legally robust to challenge, and are considered the gold standard by employers, lawyers and courts.
Associated services available include:
- Functional capacity assessments
- Neuropsychological assessment
- Drug and alcohol testing
Fitness for work assessments are performed face to face or via telehealth consultations to support geographic spread of our client’s workforce across Australia and in remote/regional and international areas/mine-sites.
Fitness for Work Clearances – COVID-19
OccuMED provides fitness for work clearances following assessment of COVID-19 transmission risk and severe COVID illness risk including:
- Unwell workers
- Workers who have or suspected to have had exposure to confirmed COVID cases
- Workers who have returned from overseas/interstate
- Workers who have been stopped from getting on a flight at the airport gate due to symptoms/temperature
- Workers with unwell families or family members or close contacts who have recently been to an exposure site
- Worker at risk of developing severe illness following potential COVID infections due to concomitant health issues.