Our Social and Environmental Responsibility
Environmental Agenda

OccuMED is proudly a Climate Active carbon neutral certified organisation. We have made choices and changes in the way we do business to ensure our carbon emissions are equal to net zero.
Being carbon neutral means that an organisation has a carbon footprint equal to zero. We have reduced our carbon emissions as much as possible and then invested in projects that reduce or remove emissions from the atmosphere. Overall, our emissions equal net zero or are ‘neutral’.
Climate Active certification is awarded to businesses and organisations that have achieved a state of net zero emissions, otherwise known as carbon neutrality.
In January of 2023, OccuMED received its Climate Active certification after a long period of planning, investment and putting in place measures to reduce our carbon emissions. This is a key step in OccuMED’s environmental agenda, which we will look to build on in the future.

Community Support Sponsorship

OccuMED is a founding partner of The Beacon, supporting men’s homeless services in Western Australia, and have been a program partner of the Health and Wellness Program since 2013. OccuMED is also a Tier 3 sponsor of the Red Shield Appeal.
The Beacon provides crisis and transitional accommodation for up to 102 men together with transitional support services that will enhance their transition from dependence to independence. OccuMED is one of the founding partners, raising funds for the building of The Beacon.
With OccuMED’s support, the Salvation Army provides Health and Wellness Programs designed to be integrated in to the services offered to the homeless in Western Australia. Through a range of sporting and leisure activities, the program increases motivation and self esteem for the clients, resulting in enhanced participation in their rehabilitation process, and a better lifestyle overall.
OccuMED also supports The Salvation Army’s Alcohol and Drug treatment services in WA named the Bridge Program. The program provides a range of residential and non-residential Alcohol and Other drugs (AOD) treatment services to individuals and families affected by substance misuse.

Research Partnerships

OccuMED supports Silicosis Research in WA in partnership with Charlies Foundation for Research.
The research involves the WA Silicosis Screening Program (WASSP) which will:
- Comply with the mandatory WA Worksafe requirements for screening of silica-exposed workers
- Provide vital insight into the rates of silica-associated disease in WA workers
- Provide likely practice-changing data for the best means of screening for disease (i.e. chest xray vs. uLDCT). This will influence practice across Australia, and all developed countries with similar workforce exposures
- Provide important data into a modern understanding as to who and why certain workers develop disease

Client Programs

Encouraging Excellence with South Metropolitan Health Service.
OccuMED are proud to be long time sponsor of the SMHS Work Health Safety (WHS) Recognition Program. We are continuing support for the awards program in 2022 as a Silver Sponsor.
OccuMED also supports clients’ work health and safety initiatives with sponsorships of client programs.