Clinical Services
Through our clinics and a significant alliance network of practitioners across Australia and internationally, OccuMED delivers and manages a broad range of clinical services for clients.
From pre-employment medical examinations to injury management, health surveillance, fitness for work and independent medical evaluations and early intervention. The OccuMED team ensures quality information and assessments are delivered to employers who are genuinely serious about safety and health of their workplace, and the work fitness of their new employees.
Pre-employment and pre-placement medical examinations relate to occupational medical screening assessments in which standardised questionnaires, physical examination and tests (if required) are undertaken to identify potential employee health risks prior to employment or placement into a new job or new work environment including overseas/international placement.
OccuMED’s Occupational Physicians and Doctors deliver medical assessments and advice founded on specialist qualifications and extensive experience in providing specialist advice on workers’ compensation and fitness for work assessments after adverse health events have occurred at work.
OccuMED provides early intervention injury management to a number of clients and industries such as mining and healthcare clients.
Our focus is to prevent an injury occurring that can have a detrimental impact on a worker as well as lead to operational impacts and costly worker’s compensation claims.
When an injury occurs, we strive to ‘manage out the injury’ to improve the outcome and save time and costs.
If your business handles hazardous substances, you are obligated by law to have a health monitoring program.
OccuMED’s doctors are specialist Occupational Physicians and Registrars specifically trained and specialised to fulfill the onerous obligations imposed on the Appointed Medical Practitioner to comply with the health surveillance requirements.
A fitness for work (duty) assessment is used to determine an employee’s ability to undertake the inherent requirements of their role safely and effectively.
Occupational medicine is the only medical specialty trained to apply the interaction between health and the workplace to determine fitness for work. Medical opinions and recommendations made by Occupational Physicians/ Registrars are legally robust to challenge, and are considered the gold standard by large employers.
OccuMED is looking at being a key player in the psychosocial service space. The psychosocial triage service model is currently in development and is expected to be offered in August 2023. This will include:
- A set of proactive service offerings including treatment triage and psychological counselling
- Suite of psychology services for OccuMED, including the development of a referral pathway for current clients
- Clinical services to assist in ongoing management of team members wellbeing, utilising highly trained psychologists
OccuMED is one of the longest serving providers of medicolegal services in WA, providing detailed information and recommendations to insurers for decisions around liability, treatment options and work capacity. OccuMED’s Specialist Occupational Physicians undertake independent medicolegal assessments (“second opinions”) for the purpose of:
- Determination of causation of an illness or injury
- Investigation and treatment recommendations based upon the most current clinical evidence
- Rehabilitation and return to work assistance
- Determination of current and future work capacity
- Determination of prognosis
- Permanent impairment (PI) assessment
OccuMED’s Occupational Physicians are WorkCover WA Approved Medical Specialists.
Express Liability Desktop Reviews assist insurers and employers expedite liability determination within a 48-hour turnaround*, maximising KPI’s in cost-effective manner.
This service utilises a skillset unique only to Occupational Physicians including clinical medicine, knowledge of different hazards and work environments, accident investigation, critical appraisal of information and determination of causation.
Vaccination programs can be undertaken on site when the following conditions are met:
- Appointment of a supervising medical practitioner
- The site person responsible for the program has a certificate of competency for delivering an immunisation program
- The settings of the program comply with ‘Strive for 5’ Guidelines
- OccuMED doctors are regularly appointed to be the supervising medical practitioner
Once the program is documented and agreed upon, OccuMED doctors do not need to be consulted unless there is complication from the vaccination.
OccuMED leverages industry leading technology to undertake complex, validated neuropsychological functional screening.
Cognitive tests include attention, memory, executive function, processing speed to clarify status of patients with neurological and/or psychiatric disorders.
Other tests include sustained attention, reaction time, visual perception, tracking, eye-hand-foot coordination, reactive stress tolerance and resilience.
Neuropsychological functional screening may be undertaken as part of:
- Pre-employment or pre-placement medicals
- Fitness for work assessments
- Health monitoring to identify subtle cognitive change due to prolonged hazardous substance exposure
OccuMED’s telehealth capabilities overcome key challenges posed by distance, providing clients and workers with timely and easy access to the injury management and other medical services.
Telehealth injury management consultations are effectively the same as in-person consultations in OccuMED’s clinic except for the physical examination component. These consultations can be undertaken during regular clinic business hours through a dedicated, easy to use, video telehealth platform approved by the Australian Government.
We have been supporting clients through telehealth processes for some time and appreciate the nuances of effective consultations across IT channels.
Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) is a critical type of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) designed to safeguard individuals from harmful contaminants within the workplace. A properly fitted RPE ensures the workers are protected against exposure to various hazards, including:
- Fumes
- Asbestos fibres
- Dust particles
- Hazard chemicals
- Infectious substances